Woodbank Park XC 
Since sending my note of last night, we have had conversations with various stakeholders and are now of the opinion that we are unable to stage a safe event tomorrow. We are cancelling Match Three at Woodbank Park. 
Looking at the predicted windspeeds, these are well in excess of UKA safety guidelines, and clearly we have a duty of care to all concerned. The warning also now extends to safe travel.
Many thanks to Dave Hulley and his team at Stockport Harriers.  We will be rearranging this fixture, and again at Woodbank Park. Date and details will be confirmed.
Match Four is at Tatton Park, Saturday 11th January.
Bramhall Runners have also kindly offered to host Match Five at Kenworthy Woods (Round two), on Saturday 8th February. Thank you Bramhall!
Thank you all for your understanding.
Stay safe, have a wonderful Christmas, and thank you as always for your support of The League.
Nick Bishop.
Chair MACCL.