With just the AGM to come on Monday 25th March at Sport City (Club Reps only), the presentation evening brought the curtains down on another highly successful season. Congratulations to all that took part.
Individuals & Teams were presented with their medals & trophies.
Silver salvers and a bottle of bubbly were presented to four long standing league officials…Joan Royle, Bob Lynch, George Tivey and to Elaine Croasdale (on behalf of the late Dave Croasdale).
The raffle prize of a £75 Run North West Voucher (thank you to our lead sponsor), was by a member of Wirral AC.
The special merit award, nominated by clubs and judged by the MACCL working party was won by Dave Rodgers of Sale Harriers & AC.
Thank you for your support…We are naturally keen to build on the success of the 160 people that attended but need your help and feedback. Please provide your feedback (positive and negative) so that we can improve further! Ideas and feedback please to League Chairman, Nick Bishop (nick@nickbishopsolutions.co.uk).
Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you all in October.
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