To: Club Contacts – Manchester Area Cross Country League

Dear All,
Manchester Area Cross Country League – 2020/2021 Season

We are still looking at the feasibility of having a season. England Athletics have issued guidance on putting on a covid-secure cross country event and a couple of pilots are in place (one scheduled for October may be deferred due to Council restrictions). Nick Bishop plans to attend a pilot event and will be able to report on how the restrictions are met. Meanwhile, you will be aware that local restrictions can change from week to week so we need to be reasonably sure we can put a match on before committing to anything. Some of you have made suggestions on how we might hold an event, for instance limiting the number of clubs, limiting the number of runners per club, run different clubs and ages on different days, run in packs – fast, medium, slow, have shorter distances to reduce time running together. All excellent ideas but none that would give us a league match as we know them, but we continue to look at alternatives. We are in weekly contact with England Athletics to try to find solutions, but aside from any possible pilot event with reduced numbers and with many changed features, we don’t anticipate any event in 2020. Private land is the most feasible for a venue, and we ask clubs to forward details of venues they know that fall into that category, and we will explore them further.

With thanks and regards,


on behalf of the MACCL Working Group