Individual Series Results

Individual Series Results

The Individual Series results, posted on have been updated. As with the team results, guest runners have been deleted. See page 2 of the Season’s Details for a reminder of Awards Seasons Details Please contact me with any queries. Brenda...
Post-Match Four Update

Post-Match Four Update

Click here for Post Match Four Update with statistics from the fourth match at Heaton Park, news on entries,  plus lots more information.  Click here for  Presentation of Awards Flyer and here for Merit Award Flyer. Please take the time to read the Update and to look...
Individual Series Results

Updated Heaton Park Results

The final results are up and all known  issues have been resolved: The divisional team results, both for Match Four and cumulative, will be posted on the League’s websites tomorrow. The Individual Series results, posted on race-results, are...
Individual Series Results

Heaton Park Results Update

Provisional results are now available at Sportsoft There are some issues…We are getting these sorted. Thank you for the information received thus far. Any queries, please contact me. Sincerely, Brenda. (email Brenda)    ...