Race Pictures

Race Pictures

A small selection has been uploaded, with a link to the fill album courtesy of Harry Shakeshaft and Mick Hall Photos. For this year’s pictures, please scroll down below season 21/22 to the foot of the gallery page. GALLERY | MACCL
Match One Updates

Match One Updates

The course map has been updated with subtly revised distances…you can view here…VENUES & COURSE MAPS | MACCL All entries are viewable here… AFFILIATIONS AND ENTRIES | MACCL For anyone not yet entered, entries will reopen after Match...
Match One Details

Match One Details

Four days and counting! Match One Details can be found here…UPDATE PRE M1 OCT 2022 Please do read, as this contains important information! See you Saturday
Match One Details

Match One Course Map Uploaded

Please find below a link to the course map ahead of Saturday. Parking & venue details can also be found on the same page. Please do note the areas marked out of bounds…so important that we adhere to this!   VENUES & COURSE MAPS |...
Race Photographs

Race Photographs

We are delighted to have free race photos provided by Mick Hall Photos and as always, taken by the excellent Harry Shakeshaft. Race pictures will appear here…MACCL 2022 (Mick Hall Photos) (thesearchfactory.com) See you on October 15th!