Seniors Report from Match Three

Seniors Report from Match Three

Manchester League Match 3, Seniors Report Sophie Tarver and Nigel Martin scored their second wins of the series in challenging weather conditions at Kenworthy Woods., Tarver, narrow winner at Sherdley park last month, over Lauren Howarth, was quickly into the head of...
Juniors Report from Match Three

Juniors Report from Match Three

Manchester League, Match 3, Juniors Report. The Juniors battled the extreme conditions, fighting out some pulsating races in the wind and freezing rain, over the challenging terrain. Jamie Richardson of West Cheshire stretched away for an 80m win over Will Strickley,...
Seniors Report from Match Three

Race Photos

Our race winners have now been added to the website and can be viewed here. A small selection of other photos are are highlighted. Thank you Harry Shakeshaft and Mick Hall. Free downloads are here…Please allow 24/36 hours for upload.