Match Two Kenworthy Woods

Match Two Kenworthy Woods

After the recent wet weather, conditions are very wet. The University have many sports partners and please keep away from areas that are not for our use etc…Football pitches and similar. We are having to find a new area for gazebos. The area is under water. This...
Updated Entry Lists

Updated Entry Lists

Entry lists have been updated as of 1st November 2019. Additional entries for Match Two can be made by email to Brenda Bradshaw up to mid-night on Wednesday 6thNovember. There will be no online entries and THERE WILL BE NO ENTRIES ON MATCH DAY. Runners who knowingly...
Updated Entry Lists

Entry Lists Updated

The entry lists have been updated. Additional entries will only be accepted from the Club contact and individuals are asked to note that any queries or corrections to the lists must also come from the Club contact. For details visit...
Updated Entry Lists

Match One Results & Update/Pre-Match Two Update

Congratulations to all that took part at Match One. Results and Match One Update is here. Match Two Pre-Match update is also on the same page. We look forward to seeing you all at Match Two at Kenworthy Woods. Saturday 9th November. A date for your diary. The MACCL...